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Forum Posts

Aug 14, 2024
In Job Openings
Hello! Tess Hoang with the State Water Resources Control Board shared this job opening: More info provided below. The State Water Resources Control Board is seeking a Water Resource Control Engineer to work in their Division of Drinking Water. Candidates should be motivated and energetic to play a pivotal role in ensuring safe drinking water for all Californians. The position is located at 850 Marina Bay Parkway, Richmond, CA 94804. Complete Details and Online Application Available at: •
Apr 25, 2024
In Job Openings
Hello! Jason Hallare with the San Mateo County Public Works Department shared this job opening: More info provided below. The City of San Mateo Public Works Department is seeking an Assistant/Associate Engineer for the Capital Improvement Plan Division. Candidates should be highly motivated, experienced, seek professional growth, and desire to lead and support in the delivery and review of various City projects. Complete Details and Online Application Available at: •
Oct 12, 2020
In Upcoming Events
UC Berkeley will be hosting a virtual resume workshop Thursday, Oct. 22nd. If you are interested in helping students with fine tuning their resumes, RSVP at the link here. For questions, contact Parson Galicia at
Aug 13, 2020
In Other Ideas
Vote for your new executive SF YMF board for 2020 - 2021! Voting will close on Friday, August 28th at 11:59PM (PDT) Link here:
Aug 05, 2020
In Professional Exams
Take a look through handouts provided by Natalie King, Senior Civil Registrar from the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists. Also included is a FAQ sheet from our recent PE Info Session held on August 4, 2020 that addresses impacts due to COVID-19. The handouts talk about PE Civil exam specifications, CA-specific exam specifications for survey and seismic exam, and the engagement record and reference form for your application.
Jul 09, 2020
In Other Ideas
All ASCE SF YMF members are eligible to apply for a board position as an officer or committee chair. Please fill out this application form in order to be considered for a position on the SF YMF board. You may nominate yourself or anyone you see fit. Take this chance to contribute and make a difference in your local community by applying for a leadership role! For more information on each officer position please visit the link below for officer responsibilities: Please contact the current President, Joyce Lin at if you have any questions or need any clarifications and she will be happy to help! Deadline to apply is Friday, July 31st at 11:59 PM PST.
May 28, 2020
In Internship Openings
Several summer internships have been cancelled due to these uncertain times and as you know, an internship provides a key avenue for professional development and an important opportunity for students to connect to engineers in the industry and learn what paths are open to them when they graduate. There are many different options to help out a current student such as offering a part-time or full-time paid internship or volunteering to be a mentor. If you are interested, please fill out this form:
May 28, 2020
In Upcoming Events
The Annual ASCE YMF Golf Tournament is officially cancelled for 2020. ASCE San Francisco YMF and San Jose YMF have been closely monitoring COVID-19 as the situation progresses and has been coordinating with Callippe golf course. Unfortunately, due to several reasons, including: i) the uncertainty with future COVID-19 restrictions or social impacts; and ii) the quality and revenue of the golf tournament being compromised due to COVID-19, we felt that this was the best course of action for everyone's health and safety. We hope to bring this golf tournament back in the near future.
Mar 15, 2020
In Upcoming Events
In response to the global outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), ASCE is committed to reducing the risk of adverse health impacts to ASCE members. Therefore all YMF activities are cancelled/postponed in March and April. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you all stay healthy and safe!
Feb 21, 2020
In Upcoming Events
Hello San Francisco Bay Area Younger Members!!! We are reaching out to see if any of our ASCE members are alumni from Pinole Valley High School (PVHS) here in the east bay. Jose Castro from San Diego YMF is an alumnus from PVHS and he reached out to us to look for other alumni that might want to present to their alma mater about Civil Engineering. If you are an alumni from the high school, please reach out to him directly at
Feb 21, 2020
In Volunteering
UC Berkeley is hosting this year's MidPac competition (April 23-25), and is looking for judges for the following events: Transportation, GeoWall, Steel Bridge, and Water Treatment! Please fill out this interest form for the competition you would like to judge. For more information, visit the MidPac website.
Feb 21, 2020
In Volunteering
Call for volunteers! Interested in taking on a leadership experience and getting more involved with YMF? We are forming a committee for our 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament and need people to help plan this event! If you would like to help, please email us at
Apr 26, 2019
In Scholarships
Each year, ASCE offers several Society Scholarships to undergraduate students who have at least one semester or quarter of study in the next academic year. Applicants must be current ASCE Student Members. The current undergraduate scholarships include: Lawrence W. and Francis W. Cox Scholarship Eugene C. Figg, Jr. Civil Engineering Scholarship John Lenard Civil Engineering Scholarship Robert B. B. and Josephine N. Moorman Scholarship Samuel Fletcher Tapman ASCE Student Chapter Scholarship B. Charles Tiney Memorial ASCE Student Chapter Scholarship Y.C. Yang Civil Engineering Scholarship SEI Young Professional Scholarship to Structures Congress Applicants can apply to multiple Society Scholarships, but must meet the criteria for each scholarship. Award The amount each scholarship provides varies from year to year, depending on the selection committee’s evaluation of applications and financial health of the fund endowment. Scholarships and fellowships generally offer $2,500 to $5,000 per recipient. Common Requirements Application form must be legible and the provided information must be accurate.  Application form must be signed and include the signature of the faculty member as provided in the individual scholarship or fellowship rules.  Include your student credential S.M.ASCE and your student member number in the application form.  Include a 500-word essay as described in the individual scholarship or fellowship rules.  Include a detailed annual budget using the budget template provided as part of the application form. Include the number of signed recommendation letters called for in the individual scholarship/fellowship rules. Recommendation letters must be sealed – the letter sealed in its own envelope with the recommender’s signature across the flap. Include your most recent transcript from your university’s Registrar. DO NOT download a transcript from your university’s site, as this is not considered an official transcript. Include your resume, showing your student activities, honors, and work experience. Deadline The applications are due to the Honors and Awards Program office no later than February 10 of the year of award. If February 10 falls on a weekend, the application due date is automatically moved to the next business day. More Information Generally, in May, the Society’s Executive Director sends award letters electronically. If you have been selected for a scholarship or fellowship, you will receive a letter in your email inbox. Your faculty advisor will also receive a copy of the letter. Unsuccessful candidates will receive a letter letting them know they were not selected.  For more info, please visit
Apr 10, 2019
In Upcoming Events
Are you an ASCE Member interested in walking the halls of the California State Legislature and learning firsthand how policy is crafted? This year, ASCE Region 9 (California) will be conducting its Legislative Day Program on May 7, in conjunction with the release of the California Infrastructure Report Card. The Legislative Day will be held in Sacramento and consists of an intense half-day program that provides participants with an inside look at the political process, followed by a half-day of legislative visits at the Sacramento Capitol. When Tuesday, May 7, 2019 8AM to 5:30PM Where California State Capitol Grounds 1315 10th Street Sacramento, CA  95814  Registration Click here to register. There is a minimal $25 fee to participate in the ASCE Region 9 Legislative Day.  This fee helps to offset costs for training and lunch.  Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses. Contact Anne Ettley, Administrator  ASCE Region 9 (310) 467-1747
Jan 02, 2019
In Professional Exams
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not related to professional exams/licensure). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Guidelines Important things to mention for professional exams/licensure postings: 1. Topic Name 2. Topic Description If you have questions, please contact the administrators at
Jan 01, 2019
In Other Ideas
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not ideas that SF YMF can execute). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Guidelines Important things to mention for idea postings: 1. Idea Name 2. Idea Date, Time, Location 3. Idea Description 4. Idea Requirement If you have questions, please contact the administrators at
Jan 01, 2019
In Volunteering
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not volunteering events or ideas). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Guidelines Important things to mention for volunteering event or idea postings: 1. Volunteering Event or Idea Name 2. Event or Idea Date, Time, Location 3. Event or Idea Description If you have questions, please contact the administrators at
Jan 01, 2019
In Upcoming Events
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not upcoming events). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Guidelines Important things to mention for upcoming event postings: 1. Event Name 2. Event Date, Time, Location 3. Event Description 4. Registration Links 6. Registration Deadlines If you have questions, please contact the administrators at
Jan 01, 2019
In Scholarships
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not scholarship opportunities). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Post Guidelines Important things to mention for scholarship postings: 1. Scholarship Name 2. Scholarship Prize 3. Scholarship Description 4. Scholarship Requirement 5. Application Links 6. Application Deadlines General Title Guidelines Please label the post title in the following format (comma separated): [Scholarship Name], [Deadline (M/D/YYYY)] If you have questions, please contact the administrators at
Jan 01, 2019
In Internship Openings
This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at Disclaimer Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation. General Rules 1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam. 2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not internship openings). 3. Do not post sensitive information. 4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder. 5. Do not post obscene or abusive material. 6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling! 7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators. 8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads). General Post Guidelines Important things to mention for internship postings: 1. Employer 2. Internship Position (if applicable) 3. Internship Location 4. Internship Description 5. Internship Requirement 6. Application Links 7. Application Deadlines General Title Guidelines Please label the post title in the following format (comma separated): [Position], [Employer], [Location] If you have questions, please contact the administrators at


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