This page includes rules and guidelines for using the forum. Administrators have the final interpretation of these rules, and at their discretion they may modify or delete posts without warning that do not comply. If you observe any violation of these rules, please report the post and alert the administrators at
Considering the real-time nature of the forum, neither SF YMF nor its administrators assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, copyrights, completeness, or usefulness of any information, document, link, or post disclosed within this forum. All content submitted to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not necessarily SF YMF or its administrators. Additionally, any reference to SF YMF or its administrators does not imply their endorsement or recommendation.
General Rules
1. Do not post forum spam or links to spam.
2. Do not post off-topic material (i.e. not volunteering events or ideas).
3. Do not post sensitive information.
4. Do not post (links to) copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder.
5. Do not post obscene or abusive material.
6. Do not harass, insult, or taunt other forum members. Be respectful, and no trolling!
7. Do not impersonate other forum members or administrators.
8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several threads).
General Guidelines
Important things to mention for volunteering event or idea postings:
1. Volunteering Event or Idea Name
2. Event or Idea Date, Time, Location
3. Event or Idea Description
If you have questions, please contact the administrators at